I know this blog writing will get old but I am going to write while it's hot since EngineerBoy is enjoying Monday Night Football, WonderNurse is nursing a toothache and GreenFriend is hanging out with HannaMontana and I have no one to talk to. Since no one out there in blog land knows me yet, let me tell you I love to talk. I am that annoying person that talks to you in line at the grocery store, cell phone line etc.
I would like to say that I have wonderful boyfriend, EngineerBoy. I probably don't tell him enough and he should know. The computer whiz he is will probably find this blog at some point and I want him to see how wonderful he is, even if I don't say it as often as I should or in the future there are ranting, unloving EngineerBoy posts.
Side note -no one knows I have a blog and I would like to keep it that way. That way I can talk freely about how I am feeling, who knows maybe it will help and it's cheaper than therapy! Maybe one day I will share it with them but until then I am looking for comfort in writing and maybe someone one day writing comments. I have found solace in reading a lot your blogs so maybe someone out there will find solace in reading mine.
Why I love EngineerBoy -
1. He tells me I am beautiful
2. He texts me good morning
3. He asks how my day was/is
4. He will carry my purse without even questioning it
5. He walked around the Galleria mall with my purple/pink ice skating bag on his shoulder without missing a beat
6. He asks what I want for dinner, where I want to go, what I want to do
7. He takes my feelings into account often before he takes his into account
8. He likes just laying in bed sleeping late and just being together on the weekends
9. He has included me in everything his family has done
10. He gives the best hugs EVER
11. His kisses are a dream
12. He gives the best back rubs
13. He holds my hand all the time, even if we are just walking from the front door to the car
14. He hangs out with my friends even if he doesn't like all of them
15. He loves his sisters to death
16. He wants to and does hang out with my family
17. He is super douper smart
18. He watches "girly" movies with me even though I know he loves action "boy" movies
19. He let me live with him for week when I had a mold issue post Hurricane Ike
20. It was his idea to help me clean my fishy stinky fridge post Hurricane Ike
There are a million more reasons but here are at least the top 20!
So EngineerBoy if you have found my adventures, I hope you know how much I love and cherish you!
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