Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Transmission sevice in Houston

If you live in Houston and ever need a transmission do not EVER go to Apollo Transmission on Campbell and Hammerly (713-461-3000). BabySister took her Rodeo there for a simple new transmission. When she got it back 1.5 weeks later she made it 2 miles before the light came on, 1.5 weeks after that she made it 20 miles and it came on again. 1 week later we got it back and it lasted until I was evacuating for Hurricane Ike and it started up again. They have it again. BabySister had to go back to school and needed a car so the nice sister I am, I gave her my car. My sports car! I am stuck with the emergency car that I drove in college that hasn't been driven in 2 years and doesn't have air conditioning. They offered to get me a rental car again, but they have yet to pay me for the first one so I don't trust them to ever pay for one this time. We paid 1800 and yet to get a car that works. They don't return your calls, they are rude when they do talk to you and the obviously don't know how to do their job.
AVOID Apollo Transmission's at all costs!!!!!!
This message has been brought to you by your trusty in residence Rocket Scientist MJ!

More food for thought

This makes more sense than anything I have read in a long time. We need to start a grass roots movement to return the moral compass in our country. It is ridiculous the things that the people of this country have had shoved down their throats and had to accept as what is fair. What happened to what is fair to the majority?Why is it that every religion except Christianity needs protection? Since prayer was removed from the schools it has been a downward spiral. Lets stand up for what is right. We need to pray and to vote.

This letter was sent to the Wall Street Journal on August 8, 2008 by Alisa Wilson, Ph.D. Of Beverly Hills , CA .On July 31, 2008, the Wall Street Journal had an article titled, "Where's The Outrage?' Really. I can tell you where the outrage is. The outrage is here, in this middle-aged, well-educated, upper-middle class woman. The outrage is here, but I have no representation, no voice. The outrage is here, but no one is listening – for who am I? I'm not a billionaire like George Soros that can fund an entire political movement. I'm not a celebrity like Barbara Streisand that can garner the attention of the press to promote political candidates. I'm not a film maker like Michael Moore or Al Gore that can deliver misleading movies to the public. The outrage is here, but unlike those with money or power, I don't know how to reach those who feel similarly in order to effect change.Why=2 0am I outraged? I am outraged that my country, the United States of America , is in a state of moral and ethical decline. There is no right or wrong anymore, just what's fair. Is it fair that millions of Americans who overreached and borrowed more than they could afford are now being bailed out by the government and lending institutions to stave off foreclosure? Why shouldn't these people be made to pay the consequences for their poor judgment? When my husband and I purchased our home, we were careful to purchase only what we could afford. Believe me, there are much larger, much nicer homes that I would have loved to have purchased. But, taking responsibility for my behavior and my life, I went with the house that we could afford, not the house that we couldn't afford. The notion of personal responsibility has all but died in our country.I am outraged, that the country that welcomed my mother as an immigrant from Hitler's Nazi Germany and required that she and her family learn English now allows itself to be overrun with illegal immigrants and worse, caters to those illegal immigrants. I am outraged that my hard-earned taxes help support those here illegally;That the Los Angeles Public School District is in such disarray that I felt it Incumbent to send my child to private school; that every time I go to the ATM, I see "do you want to continue in English or Spanish?"; that every t ime I call the bank, the phone company , or similar business, I hear "press 1 for English or press 2 for Spanish." WHY? This is America , our common language is English and attempts to promote a bi- or multi-lingual society are sure to fail and to marginalize those who cannot communicate in English.I am outraged at our country's weakness in the face of new threats on American traditions from Muslims. Just this week, Tyson's Food negotiated with its union to permit Muslims to have Eid-al-Fitr as a holiday instead of Labor Day. What am I missing? Yes, there is a large Somali Muslim population working at the Tyson's plant in Tennessee Tennessee , last I checked, is still part of the United States . If Muslim's want to live and work here they should be required to live and work by our American Laws and not impose their will on our long history. In the same week, Random House announced that they had indefinitely delayed the publication of "The Jewel of Medina," by Sherry Jones, a book about the life of Mohammed's wife, A'isha due to fear of retribution and violence by Muslims. When did we become a nation ruled by fear of what other immigrant groups want? It makes me so sad to see large corporations cave rather than stand proudly on the principles that built this country.I am outraged because appeasement has never worked as a political policy, yet Appeasing Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is exactly what we are t rying to do. An excellent article, also published recently in the Wall Street Journal, went through over 20 years of history and why talking with Iran has been and will continue to be ineffective. Yet talk, with a madman no less, we continue to do. Have we so lost our moral compas s and its ability to detect evil that we will not go in and destroy Iran's nuclear program? Would we rather wait for another Holocaust for the Jews – one which they would be unlikely to survive? When does it end?As if the battle for good and evil isn't enough, now come the Environmentalists who are so afraid of global warming that they want to put a bag tax on grocery bags in California; to eliminate Mylar balloons; to establish something as insidious as the recycle police in San Francisco. I do my share for the environment – I recycle, I use water wisely, I installed an energy efficient air conditioning unit.
But when and where does the lunacy stop? Ahmadinejad wants to wipe Israel off the map, the California economy is being overrun by illegal immigrants, and the United States of America no longer knows right from wrong; good from evil. So what does California do? Tax grocery bags.So, America , although I can tell you where the outrage is, this one middle-aged, well-educated, upper middle class woman is powerless=2 0to do anything about it. I don't even feel like my vote counts because I am so outnumbered by those who disagree with me.
Alisa Wilson, Ph.D.B everly Hills , California

Monday, September 29, 2008

I must be crazy today

I know this blog writing will get old but I am going to write while it's hot since EngineerBoy is enjoying Monday Night Football, WonderNurse is nursing a toothache and GreenFriend is hanging out with HannaMontana and I have no one to talk to. Since no one out there in blog land knows me yet, let me tell you I love to talk. I am that annoying person that talks to you in line at the grocery store, cell phone line etc.

I would like to say that I have wonderful boyfriend, EngineerBoy. I probably don't tell him enough and he should know. The computer whiz he is will probably find this blog at some point and I want him to see how wonderful he is, even if I don't say it as often as I should or in the future there are ranting, unloving EngineerBoy posts.

Side note -no one knows I have a blog and I would like to keep it that way. That way I can talk freely about how I am feeling, who knows maybe it will help and it's cheaper than therapy! Maybe one day I will share it with them but until then I am looking for comfort in writing and maybe someone one day writing comments. I have found solace in reading a lot your blogs so maybe someone out there will find solace in reading mine.

Why I love EngineerBoy -
1. He tells me I am beautiful
2. He texts me good morning
3. He asks how my day was/is
4. He will carry my purse without even questioning it
5. He walked around the Galleria mall with my purple/pink ice skating bag on his shoulder without missing a beat
6. He asks what I want for dinner, where I want to go, what I want to do
7. He takes my feelings into account often before he takes his into account
8. He likes just laying in bed sleeping late and just being together on the weekends
9. He has included me in everything his family has done
10. He gives the best hugs EVER
11. His kisses are a dream
12. He gives the best back rubs
13. He holds my hand all the time, even if we are just walking from the front door to the car
14. He hangs out with my friends even if he doesn't like all of them
15. He loves his sisters to death
16. He wants to and does hang out with my family
17. He is super douper smart
18. He watches "girly" movies with me even though I know he loves action "boy" movies
19. He let me live with him for week when I had a mold issue post Hurricane Ike
20. It was his idea to help me clean my fishy stinky fridge post Hurricane Ike

There are a million more reasons but here are at least the top 20!
So EngineerBoy if you have found my adventures, I hope you know how much I love and cherish you!

What I do at work all day

I am post crazy today! Here is an article that sort of talks about what I do or at least the end game of what I do every day. I hope to one day look back on all the long hours, long weekends, little pay, lots of frustration and more changes than I can even count and watch the Orion vehicle launch to the moon and be able to turn to my children (hopefully with EngineerBoy standing by) and say I made that, I am a part of this. Part of me is going to the moon.

Vacation pictures

Self image vs what others think of you

What is up with self image? Does everyone have such a distorted view of themselves or is it just me? And when I say "what others think of you" I am not meaning those random people on the street, I care what they think but i know they are not the ones that matter. I am meaning the important people in my life, I am meaning EngineerBoy, WonderNurse, CollegeMom, PABFF etc.

Let's start with some history first. I have never been thin, and I mean NEVER. My MiddleSister and BabySister, sticks, I tell you sticks. I just want to reach out and give them a sandwich. I mean seriously, BabySister once said she was skinny because a lot of times she forgot to eat. Come on who forgets to eat. BabySister I guess. I have never had that problem. Not even when I broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years (known here as JerkFace) did I forget to eat, yes I ate less but no one could have ever accused me of not eating.

But in the year between breaking up with JerkFace and getting together with EngineerBoy, I tried really really hard. I counted everything that went into my mouth even if it was a stick of sugarless gum. I worked out twice a day religiously and I dropped 70 lbs. Since I have been with EngineerBoy I have put some of it back on but I am no where near what I used to be. I don't like that I have gained it back and I want it gone. I want to be like my sisters, I want to be 5'3 and 100 lbs. 100 lbs is my goal though I would be happy with 120.

Every morning I get up and do my hair etc and end up in front of the mirror thinking well this is as good as it's gonna get today. :-(

I want to be thin, I want to be pretty but every morning I think well here's to another day of being fat and crappy.

But here the thing, EngineerBoy tells me often that I am cute, beautiful, hot even and not when he wants something, or wants forgiveness etc. He just says it. I truly believe he believes what he is saying I don't think he is just telling me that to be a good boyfriend.

And when I was in PA both CollegeMom and CollegeDad told me how beautiful I looked.

Why can't I see what they sees? Why can't I strive to be healthy but leave it at that, why do I have to want be what mainstream America thinks is beautiful?

Sometimes I worry that EngineerBoy will not love me any more or want to be with me because I am not thin. That's not fair to him I know, it's not giving him the credit deserves. He has never ever said anything but wonderful things to me but I still worry. Poor EngineerBoy he gets the brunt of what JerkFace did to me.

You see I broke up with JerkFace but its because of what he said. I might of done the breaking up but he did the breaking of my heart. I thought he was what I wanted in a life partner. He was smart, he was older (15 years to be exact), he owned his own home, he was settled. Like I said I thought he was everything I wanted but I was wrong. In a middle of a fight over where we were spending Thanksgiving I asked him if we were ever going to get married, neither of us were getting younger. He surprised the hell out of me when he said no. When I asked why he said because of your "weight". Between that and his inability to not communicate with an ex that wanted more than friendship, that was the end of that but it left it's lasting mark. Until then I was happy with myself, fat and all. After that I was crazed by wanting to be thin, super thin.

Because of JerkFace, I can't see the good in me, I can't see the beauty within, all I see is the fat and ugliness. I don't know how to accept it and move past it. I want to be happy with myself but every time I look in the mirror I want to cry. I want to trust in EngineerBoy because he has never given me a reason not to trust him. I have to remind myself he is not JerkFace or my father, he is EngineerBoy, a good, honest, wonderful, loving man. He deserves someone who is secure, someone who loves themselves. I want to be that person, I just don't know how to get there. Now poor EngineerBoy has to deal with all the crazy issues I have with myself and trust because of JerkFace and my father.

My biggest fear is that I will ruin this for us, that we will fail because of my insecurities. I truly believe EngineerBoy is the one, the true love of my life. How do I get over my issues and not totally ruin the best thing to ever happen to me?


Food for thought......

Here is a report about Obama from a black columnist. He definitely brings a different light to this newly minted politician.

Ken Blackwell - Columnist for the New York Sun
It's an amazing time to be alive in America . We're in a year of firsts in this presidential election: the first viable woman candidate; the first viable African-American candidate; and, a candidate who is the first front running freedom fighter over 70. The next president of America will be a first.We won't truly be in an election of firsts, however, until we judge every candidate by where they stand. We won't arrive where we should be until we no longer talk about skin color or gender.Now that Barack Obama steps to the front of the Democratic field, we need to stop talking about his race, and start talking about his policies and his politics.Some pundits are calling him the next John F. Kennedy. He's not. He's the next George McGovern. And it's time people learned the facts.
Because the truth is that Mr. Obama is the single most liberal senator in the entire U.S. Senate. He is more liberal than Ted Kennedy, Bernie Sanders, or Mrs. Clinton. Never in my life have I seen a presidential frontrunner whose rhetoric is so far removed from his record. Walter Mondale promised to raise our taxes, and he lost. George McGovern promised military weakness, and he lost. Michael Dukakis promised a liberal domestic agenda, and he lostYet Mr. Obama is promising all thos e things, and he's not behind in the polls. Why? Because the press has dealt with him as if he were in a beauty pageant.Mr. Obama talks about getting past party, getting past red and blue, to lead theUnited States of America . But let's look at the more defined strokes of who he is underneath this superficial "beautyStart with national security, since the president's most important duties are as commander-in-chief. Over the summer, Mr. Obama talked about invading Pakistan, a nation armed with nuclear weapons; meeting without preconditions with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who vows to destroy Israel and create another Holocaust; and Kim Jong II, who is murdering and starving his people, but emphasized that the nuclear option was off the table against terrorists - something no president has ever taken off the table since we created nuclear weapons in the 1940s. Even Democrats who have worked in national security condemned all of those remarks. Mr. Obama is a foreign-policy novice who would put our national security at risk.Next, consider economic policy. & nbsp;For all its faults, our health care system is the strongest in the world. And free trade agreements, created by Bill Clinton as well as President Bush, have made more goods more affordable so that even people of modest means can live a life that no one imagined a generation ago. Yet Mr. Obama promises to raise taxes on "the rich." How to fix Social Security? Raise taxes. How to fix Medicare? Raise taxes. Prescription drugs? Raise taxes.. Free college? Raise taxes. Socialize medicine? Raise taxes. His solution to everything is to have government take it over.. Big Brother on steroids, funded by your paycheck.Finally, look at the social issues. Mr. Obama had the audacity to open a stadium rally by saying, "All praise and glory to God!" but says that Christian lea ders speaking for life and marriage have "hijacked" -hijacked - Christianity. He is pro-partial birth abortion, and promises to appoint Supreme Court justices who will rule any restriction on it unconstitutional. He espouses the abortion views of Margaret Sanger, one of the early advocates of racial cleansing. His spiritual leaders endorse homosexual marriage, and he is moving in that direction. In Illinois , he refused to vote against a statewide ban - ban - on all handguns in the state. These are radical left, Hollywood , and San Francis co values, not&n bsp; Middle America values.The real Mr. Obama is an easy target for the general election. Mrs. Clinton is a far tougher opponent. But Mr. Obama could win if people don't start looking behind his veneer and flowery speeches.. His vision of "bringing America together" means saying that those who disagree with his agenda for America are hijackers or warmongers.. U niting the country means adopting his liberal agenda and abandoning any conflicting beliefs.But right now everyone is talking about how eloquent of a speaker he is and - yes - they're talking about his race. Those should never be the factors on which we base our choice for president. Mr. Obama's radical agenda sets him far outside the American mainstream, to the left of Mrs. Clinton.It's time to talk about the real Barack Obama. In an election of firsts, let's first make sure we elect the person who is qualified to our president in a nuclear age during a global civilization war.
Kind of scary, wouldn't you think--- Remember--God is good, and is in time, on time--every time.According to The Book of Revelations the anti-Christ is: The anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, will destroy everything. Is it OBAMA??I STRONGLY URGE each one of you to repost this as many times as you can! Each opportunity that you have to send it to a friend or media outlet....do it!If you think I am crazy.. sorry but I refuse to take a chance on the "unknown" candidate

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Dusk Depression

Imagine this - It's starting to get cool (at least for Houston) and dusk approaches. This rocket scientist is running for cover. Ever since I was 12 years old dusk in the fall sends me into to a spiral of depression. And it's only dusk in the fall, dusk during the winter, summer or spring is just fine, it's just fall. It only lasts until it's dark but if I am out in it, I feel hollow inside and want to cry my eyes out. I literally have to be inside with the tv on and every light in the place blazing. If I am at work I can't see the windows and I won't leave until its dark. I will do anything to escape it. The depression eases and is gone as soon as night has fallen but until then I am a mess if I am not in my little cocoon. Why you ask? When I was a kid WonderNurse worked Friday, Sat and Sun night at the hospital so that she could be at home with us kids during the week. Theoretically my dad would be at home with us but starting in the fall of my 12th year, this wasn't this way. As soon as she would leave (which would be around 630) my dad would jump in his car and leave. At first I didn't know where he was going but I later found out that he was having an affair. He would leave us to fend for ourselves (MiddleSister is 4 years younger then me and BabySister is 8 years younger) until he got home which usually wasn't until 4-5 in the morning. I don't know why this bothered me I had been babysiting since I was 11, I think it was just being left by my father. I felt all alone and lost. I hated going to sleep without him there so I didn't sleep. I would stay up all night long, watching all sorts of happy movies, never anything that had an scary parts in it, just in case I did fall asleep, I didn't want to wake up in the middle of a scary part. I was a mess for a long time. I never told WonderNurse, I am not sure why, maybe I didn't want to get my dad in trouble because even though I didn't know what he was up to I knew it couldn't be good. I had friends whose parents were divorced and I didn't want to be the cause of mine divorcing. As much as I didn't like him because of what he was doing (especially after I found out what he was up too) I didn't want to be the cause of my mom hurting. WonderNurse and my dad almost got divorced when I was in 5th grade and it was horrible. I protected him for so long. I protected him until he walked out for good then I told her. Even after all the therapy I had in college dusk in the fall still bothers me. Today while lying on the sofa with EngineerBoy dusk was approaching, the blinds were open and I tried so hard to ignore it but even laying in his protective arms I could not do it, but I had to get up and close them and turn on the tv. Even 16 years later I have to do it. I hate it. I want to be able to enjoy my day and not worry about where I am when dusk approaches. I just don't know what to do any more.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Vacation, a wedding and a hurricane

So apparently the 3rd time is a charm, at least when it comes Houston. Hurricane Ike hit during the wee hours of 9/13 while I was sleeping in a comfy bed in North East, Pa. I spent 5 hours in the airport but I able to get out of Houston before Ike hit. Some people evacuated to Dallas, I evacuated to a hole different time zone! I am so happy I got to go to the wedding, visit PABFF, EngineerBFF and TeacherFriend all in 7 days! :-)
The of wedding of CollegeMom and CollegeDad's middle daughter was beautiful though Ike made an appearance as a lot of rain and a little wind but hey rain on your wedding day is supposed to be lucky right.
They canceled my flight home but Delta was nice enough to get me out on a flight the next day though I missed my flight to Chattanooga and WonderNurse was not going without me. After a long pleading morning with USAir they changed my flight from Wednesday to Thursday so WonderNurse and I got to go visit Middle Sister. A word of advice, travel insurance sucks. I had travel insurance and tried to use it when I initially found out I would miss my flight. I talked to the very nice Travelocity people in India who told me that since the hurricane had past it didn't matter that I lived in an evacuation zone and would not make my flight, I could not use my insurance. It didn't matter that according to Travelocity travel insurance can be used if you need to cancel your plans. Though most of the time I am the first one to bash airlines for the fleecing of America I must say in this instance both Delta and USAir rose to the occasion and helped a girl out!
Chattanooga was wonderful, there is a ton of history to explore, forest and mountains to hike, plenty of nearby cities. Now I just need to convince NASA to move to Chattanooga!
So how did my apartment just 6 miles from the lake and 25 miles from Galveston hold up to Ike's beatings? Well the power was out for 5 days (just imagine what an apartment smells like after having no power for 5 days and has a freezer full of fish in it) and I had a leak in the closet (which had a science experiment growing on it by the time I got home) but other than that the worse thing that happened was the fences around the complex fell down. Thank the Lord! EngineerBoy is the best, he helped me clean that smelly fridge and didn't complain at all!
My old apartment that I lived in for the past 4 years (but moved out of only 1.5 months ago) didn't fair well at all. It is directly on the lake and well it took one heck of a beating. My building lost the roof and that was the least of the damage. A boat from the marina next door now calls the corner apartment home while the leasing office no longer exists. Thank the Lord I moved when I did! The entire area is a mess, just check out some of the pictures (they were taken while driving so ignore the car).
My almost 2 weeks off was great but now I need a vacation from my vacation. Thank God for 9/80 work weeks and to having next Friday off!
Have a great weekend everyone, EngineerBoy will be here for the weekend so I will talk to everyone on Monday!

I have my own but you can find really good post hurricane pictures here.... http://www.tpicks.com/pictures%20people%20have%20sent%20me.html

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Is the third time a charm?

Welcome to adventures of a rocket scientist! I am your resident rocket scientist(hehe) MJ!
Before I go into my hurricane rant let me tell you about myself, I am 28 years old and am a systems engineer for a NASA contractor in Clear Lake, Texas. I have been reading other peoples blogs for years and figured I would try it out. Hi everyone out there in blog land!

Now for the rant, as hurricane Ike is coming our way, I have to ask myself, is the third time a charm? Will Ike really hit us (like my mom (WonderNurse) hopes) and if it does how bad will it be? Will it be the end of the world like some of the people in my local Walmart would like us to believe or will it be just be a rainy, windy day? In my 4 years as a rocket scientist I have only had to pack my office in those trusty plastic bags (come on will they really protect my computer or is it just to make us feel better) once (for Rita which turned out not to even be a rainy day) but in the last month I have had to do it twice and it's looking like I will be doing it once again for a total of 3 times in the last month! Geeze! Plus neither Edward nor Gustav did anything to Houston. Heck they closed NASA for Edward and it rained harder 60 miles north of here at my EngineerBoy's then it did here in Clear Lake.
I am beginning to wonder if I should just leave the computer in the stupid bag and not work again until the end of hurricane season!
People keep asking me, will you evacuate and if so where? I am evacuating all right, all the way to Erie, Pa. No I am not a total dork and expect Houston to be washed out to sea, I am going to a wedding this weekend so Ike or no Ike I wouldn't be here anyways.

For all of those in blog land that live in Houston, good luck, I will see you on the flip side! For everyone else have a great Thursday!

Remember, "freedom isn't free" and thank a solider and their families for their sacrifices!