Sunday, April 19, 2009


So, I couldn't go see my OB because he had a family emergency and had to reschedule for next week. I almost cried, I was so happy to finally get to the doctor. Because of all my reproductive problems, I have boycotted the gyno. I spent 6 years seeing one every month, having them poke, prod and examine "it". I imagine my insurance company hated me! I was on round the clock birth control pills and weekly shots that cost $3000 a pop! I had surgery 4 times. I have had more people look at "it" then a porn star! When I graduated from college and started paying for my own insurance I decided I wasn't going to go anymore! I know childish but it was a decision I made. As the years past I got scarder and scarder that if I went there would be something wrong with me, completly irrational but I never said I was rationale. I woke up Friday bleeding a lot. My OB told me to go to the ER for a ultrasound and then to call him. I had one done and with an exception of a small cyst on my ovary (the same one that propably looks like swiss cheese) everything looked fine. As the ER doctor said there is a tumor in my utures that will naturally expel itself in 9 months, i.e. a baby. Apparently the blood was from a ruptured sack of blood that formed when the placenta was forming. Supposedly it's nothing to worry about but they said to stay on bedrest until Wednesday when I go to the OB. Friday, Sat and today have been loooooooooooong! I miss getting up and getting my own drink! Thankfully EngineerBoy has been great about it! He set up the Xbox in the bedroom so I can play games and stream my Netflix instant viewing movies. I am just bored though. I always go to WonderNurses on Sunday to watch Celebrity Apprentace but I can't and she doesn't want to drive at night so we are going to have the phone on and watch it togther 3 miles apart!
Wednesday can't come fast enough!

1 comment:

Ann(ie) said...

Sit tight, girlie. Glad you're listening to the doc!!! deep breaths.

I am in love with celeb apprentice this time around....who do you like????