Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mental health day's, chick lit and the likes

So I went to work for a couple of hours this morning but I just couldn't stay any longer. They are going to drive me crazy one of these days! They don't pay me enough to deal with those people. So I left at noon, and went and got my nails done. There is nothing like sitting in the massage chair getting your toes done. Its the one thing I would never give up not even if it meant not eating, I would still get my nails done twice a month. Not so much because they have to look good (that's just a bonus) but how it feels, they scrub your feet down removing all the nasty crap you get from wearing heals all day and oh how the massage feels. It feels like heaven.
I hit the library on the way home and got some fun books to read, nothing that requires brain cells just a fun plot. I love reading British Chick lit, maybe it's because I long for there. I lived there as a child before moving to the states (my parents are American so I have dual citizenship) and I went back all the time to visit my friends. I don't know what it is, I just love it there. I wish I could find a job there and move back. Houston is OK, but if I had my dream it would be to live there. To be surrounded by history and culture and sophistication. I love the fact that you don't need a car to survive, hell your life is more complicated if you have one. The ability to travel back to a time before the US was even born, to be able to travel all over the country, to be able to jet off to mainland Europe like you are going to Dallas. Oh how I wish England had a space agency I could work for!

The book I am reading now is called "Swapping Lives" by Jane Green. She has written numerous books and is fantastic. I really enjoy reading crimes novels but those have a tendency to give me nightmares so I don't like to read them before bed. Plus you have to be all there to follow the clues and figure it out. Sometimes you just need a brain break, chick lit is my crack.

You know what else is my crack, Dancing with the Stars and America's Next Top Model. Though I must say Dancing with the Stars sucks this year. I mean seriously, Cloris Leachman? We're lucky she hasn't had a heart attack yet. I love Wednesday's! It's girl night with GreenFriend and her mom and her mom's best friend. We cook dinner, drink and watch Top Model. Thank God for DVR, we talk so much it takes us forever to watch because we are always having to rewind it! I am glad the transgender girl is gone. It's not that she was transgender, it was that I just didn't like her pictures. They were boring with a capital B! I am glad that they didn't keep her though just to be PC. That would have sucked. I don't know about you but I am so glad that Whitney won last year. Finally a girl that looks like real girls. Not supper skinny but not fat either, just a normal girl!
Well I am off to read so peace out bloggers!

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